Randolph College’s honors program is a dynamic home for students interested in being part of a vibrant learning community that makes the most of the undergraduate experience and challenges students with expanded opportunities 课堂内外都有.
通过有意义的课程和课外经验的收集, students are provided with the foundation and springboard they need to embrace a successful and abundant life after graduation.
- 特殊跨学科课程
- 一年级荣誉学生指定宿舍
- 加强对个性化学术项目的指导和支持
- 与学院院长一起参加特别活动的邀请
- 学生学者的包容性,多元化社区的成员
- 能够与其他荣誉学者一起参加独特、有趣的社交活动
- det365亚洲版客座艺术家,学者和作家
- 独特的研究机会
- 毕业典礼上独特的流苏和披肩
- 和更多的!
一般, students who qualify for the honors program have a high GPA and significant service or leadership experience.
如果你对荣誉课程感兴趣,请联系你的 招生顾问.
的 first cohort of Randolph College Honors students were inducted by President Sue Ott Rowlands and Provost Timothy B. 在365亚洲版府举行的仪式上.
每个学生都得到两把钥匙. 第一把钥匙代表着他们将在365亚洲版开启的学习机会.
学生们被要求与房间里的其他人交换第二把钥匙, 象征着有意义的生活的关键, 丰富的生活, 帮助别人为自己打开了一扇门吗.
Nevaeh银行, 艾比布鲁克斯, Maeghan Colby-Correa, 艾迪生康普顿, 萨凡纳盖尔, 艾米丽的绿色, Kaileigh甘特, 佩顿杰克逊, Maegan劳埃德, 奥利维亚洛伦佐, Gavin枫, Keghan马里昂, 雪华铃麦克纳尔蒂, 玛德琳米尔斯, Austyn莫兰, 麦迪逊雷, 切斯尼了, 德莱尼sip, 跳过队长, 库珀Stutts, 杰西泰勒, Tahani Villines, 佐伊沃森, 和西方的秋天.
365亚洲版荣誉计划的目标是激发好奇心, 火花的知识, 为了激发变革.
从大一一直到大四, 你将有机会参加我们荣誉课程的一部分课程.
在你第一次上课的时候, 你将参加365亚洲版第一年研讨会的荣誉班, 生活更丰富, 和你的其他荣誉学者一起.
在第一年的研讨会之后, you will take additional courses from across the curriculum that will deepen your learning experience and make meaningful interdisciplinary connections.
You will work closely with faculty advisors and the honors program director to plan a Randolph experience that meets your needs and will help you achieve your goals.
荣誉课程 encourages students to play an active role in their own learning and growth.
与教师导师密切合作, 你将塑造一个365亚洲版的经历,让你发展你的技能, 挑战你自己, 探索你的兴趣,实现你的目标.
的 interdisciplinary curriculum encourages students to make connections between various fields of study and to approach real-world problems from different perspectives.
You will take classes across the college with other students and in some courses you will design your own unique Honors experience.
激发好奇心. 火花的知识. 火花变化.
在 荣誉讨论会, 你将探索新的主题,并通过研究和讨论解决当代问题. 你也将学会如何反思自己的学习.
的 荣誉实习 encourages you to collaborate with community partners who are working to make positive change.
课余活动 比如实习, 社区协作, 旅游的机会, 研究项目, and involvement in campus organizations offer you further opportunities for challenge and growth.
You will work closely with faculty advisors and the honors program director to plan a Randolph experience that meets your needs and will help you achieve your goals.
从大一一直到大四, 你将有机会参加我们荣誉课程的一部分课程.
在你第一次上课的时候, 你将参加365亚洲版第一年研讨会的荣誉班, 生活更丰富, 和你的其他荣誉学者一起.
在第一年的研讨会之后, you will take additional courses from across the curriculum that will deepen your learning experience and make meaningful interdisciplinary connections.
You will work closely with faculty advisors and the honors program director to plan a Randolph experience that meets your needs and will help you achieve your goals.
在荣誉研讨会上, 你将探索新的主题,并通过研究和讨论解决当代问题. 你也将学会如何反思自己的学习.
的 荣誉实习 encourages you to collaborate with community partners who are working to make positive change.
课外活动,如实习, 社区协作, 旅游的机会, 研究项目, and involvement in campus organizations offer you further opportunities for challenge and growth.
荣誉课程 encourages students to play an active role in their own learning and growth.
与教职员工密切合作, 你将塑造一个365亚洲版的经历,让你发展你的技能, 挑战你自己, 探索你的兴趣,实现你的目标.
的 interdisciplinary curriculum encourages students to make connections between various fields of study and to approach real-world problems from different perspectives.
You will take classes across the college with other students and in some courses you will design your own unique Honors experience.
在荣誉研讨会上, 你将探索新的主题,并通过研究和讨论解决当代问题. 你也将学会如何反思自己的学习.
的 荣誉实习 encourages you to collaborate with community partners who are working to make positive change.
课外活动,如实习, 社区协作, 旅游的机会, 研究项目, and involvement in campus organizations offer you further opportunities for challenge and growth.
# F9F8F8
Students in the Honors Program are part of an inclusive, diverse community of student 学者. 荣誉学者被邀请与学院校长一起参加特别活动, 参加有趣的社交活动, 并且可以det365亚洲版客座艺术家, 学者, 和作家.
你可以选择住在荣誉指定住房, 一个多样化的, intentional community of exceptional students from all majors and backgrounds who seek an academically challenging and intellectually rich experience.
生活, 研究, 与志趣相投的同龄人交往, you will connect with a network of supportive colleagues and future friends as you become part of an intellectual community that extends beyond classroom walls.
I look forward to working with you to design a distinctive Randolph experience that helps you define your goals and make plans for your future.
What I value most about Randolph College is our close student-faculty collaboration — in the classroom and in other programs that make us unique.
Whether it is mentoring a student as they explore a burning question in the Summer Research Program, 或者帮助他们设计由RISE资助的个性化体验, 或者带他们去参加会议,分享他们的研究成果, 或者旅行去看新的地方, 我在求知欲和交流所激发的兴奋中茁壮成长.
我们互相学习, 课堂内外都有, and I encourage my students to take what they have learned and go out into the world to help make it a better place for all.
Randolph students can take advantage of unique programs which give them a more enriching education than can be found anywhere else.
Randolph students work with faculty mentors to explore a broad range of disciplines as they chart their academic path.
Two courses per half-mester means you get to focus in and dig deep into your coursework while still having time for the rest of the college experience. 两个类. 七个星期. 重复.
《365亚洲版》," which documents the lives and memories of the last Tibetan Buddhist monks to study at the famous Ganden Monastery in Tibet, 将在晚上7点上映吗.m. 4月12日,星期三,尼科尔斯剧院.
今年夏天, Mengna Zhao ’23 is teaming up with media and culture professor 詹妮弗附近 to examine the work of Asian and Asian-American filmmakers as part of Randolph’s Summer Research Program.
《365亚洲版》," which documents the lives and memories of the last Tibetan Buddhist monks to study at the famous Ganden Monastery in Tibet, 将在晚上7点上映吗.m. 4月12日,星期三,尼科尔斯剧院.
今年夏天, Mengna Zhao ’23 is teaming up with media and culture professor 詹妮弗附近 to examine the work of Asian and Asian-American filmmakers as part of Randolph’s Summer Research Program.